How to get to the Parc Euromédecine hotel

The Hotel Parc Euromédecine is located in the North West of Montpellier in the Parc Euromédecine.

Hotel with free and secure parking

Located 20 minutes from Montpellier city centre and with on-site parking, the Hôtel Parc Euromédecine benefits from a strategic location and easy accessibility from the A709.

Hôtel du Parc Euromédecine ★★★

2 rue du Caducée
34090 Montpellier/Grabels, France

Tél : +33 4 67 52 43 33
Fax : +33 4 67 52 28 44
contact (at) hotelparceuromedecine (dot) com

Latitude : 43.64297352777921
Longitude : 3.8351104581970503

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How to reach us

By car from Nîmes/Lyon:

  • From the A709 motorway (Nîmes/Lyon): take exit 28 (Vendargues), follow Millau/Montpellier-Hôpitaux Facultés (around 20 min) and at the entrance to Montpellier take Saint Gély du Fesc/Parc Euromédecine and under the bridge on the right and follow the signs for "Hôtel Parc Euromédecine"

By car from Toulouse/Bordeaux/Barcelona:

  • From the A709 motorway (Toulouse/Bordeaux/Barcelona): take exit 31 (Montpellier Ouest), follow Montpellier-Mosson/Grabels and then Ganges/ICM Val d'Aurelle

By car from Montpellier:

  • From the train station/Place de le Comédie: follow Beaux Arts/Boutonnet then Hopitaux Facultés and finally Ganges.

Coming to the hotel by tram and bus:

  • Line 1 towards Mosson, Occitanie stop, then Bus line 6 towards Euromédecine, Val d'Aurelle stop (until 8:00 p.m.)
  • Line 1 towards Mosson, stop Euromédecine, continue 10 minutes on foot towards Ganges/ICM Val d'Aurelle

Onsite parking

• Free onsite parking